TheCAMexpoistheUnitedKingdom’sbiggest professionalevent dedicated to complementary, natural, and integrative health. At this event all the health care professionals, practitioners, therapists, pharmacists, and health store retailers who attended had the opportunity tovoteonthe“BestNewCAMProduct.”For2015thatproductwasProArgi9+fromSynergyWorldwide. Paul Flint,one of the Synergy distributors at this expo had this to say,“Healthprofessionals,especiallyinUnitedKingdom,arefamiliarwith
Camexpo andthisawardwillbeatalkingpointasweintroduceProArgi-9+topractitionersand therapistsinthefuture.”
Audience participation was key to the prestigious camexpo Best New Product Award 2015, which was voted for by visitors to the New Products Showcase on the show’s opening day. Featuring new launches from the last twelve months, the winner of this year’s New Products Showcase award was Pro-Argi-9+ by Synergy Natural Products – The
LP Partnership.
“It’s the first time we’ve been at camexpo and it’s been a tremendous show,” says Lorraine Tarbitten from Synergy Natural Products – The LP Partnership. “Its a great achievement for us to win this award, which gives our product the recognition we believe it deserves. It’s a great endorsement going forward and we’re delighted to win!”